Director's Desk
D.D. Singh
Dear Friends and Visitors,
Welcome to Gyan Ganga Public School and thank you for taking the time to explore our
to learn more about us. As our mission states, "We are preparing boys and girls to lead lives
We believe, Shaping young, impressionable minds is one of life's biggest challenges also education
is a
life-long learning process - It is a way of life.
The aim of education is to enlighten one's mind so that one could have a broad mind as well as a
outlook. Education presents the truth of life in a beautiful way for the well being of human race.
truth of life is imparted to students as the essence of knowledge Children are made not only
professionally perfect but also morally sound to follow the path of truth by which they not only
overcome complicated problems also taste the nectar of success in life.
The real purpose of education is to create better human beings, Aspiring to become better, must be
greatest -motto of a student. It is equally important for the teachers to put their tireless efforts
right direction. To make a child intelligent is comparatively easy but to make him conscious about
values and moral ethics is rather difficult.
"Be a person not a machine. Don't accumulate degrees rather inculcate ethics and
It is a privilege for me to work with our students, our staff and our families to make our school
very best it can be. I am very proud to be the Director of this wonderful school. I extend a warm
welcome to you and your family come visit us. Thank you!
D.D. Singh
Director, GGPS